Size of full size table tennis table
Hi, first, sorry for my English, it is not my native language.
For 2012 christmas, my 11 years old son asked for a table tennis table as his Christmas gift. I went to a local sports store and the basic STIGA table was 7000 bolivares worth (i live in Venezuela), it is a lot of money for me :(, so I decided to build a home made table tennis table. I search on the internet for the table tennis table specifications (size, material rebouting specs, colors, line sizes, etc) and constructed the table, finnaly, without muy hardwork I spent around 2500 Bolivares, a lot cheaper and the results were awesome, I invited some table tennis players and they liked my sons table a lot :)
I didnt build it with MDF, instead I used a 15 mm composite wood (here we call it compuesto, i dont know which is the exact name in english), I had to buy 2 pieces and ordered to cut custom size to fit the table tennis table officiall specs. The frame and table legs was made with 1x1 inches square metal tube and some metal hinges and wheels, I cut and soldered it at my fathers garage.