Table tennis rules wiki
Belt Loop and Pin
Table Tennis Sports Belt Loop
Table Tennis Sports Pin
(line drawing, actual pins are color)
Cub Scout Table Tennis requirements
Belt Loop Requirements
Complete these three requirements:
- Explain the rules of table tennis to your leader or adult partner.
- Spend at least 30 minutes practicing table tennis skills.
- Participate in a table tennis game.
Sports Pin Requirements
Earn the Table Tennis belt loop, and complete five of the following requirements:
- Compete in a pack or community table tennis tournament.
- Demonstrate your knowledge, use, and care of the equipment needed to play table tennis (racket or paddle, table and net, ball, tennis or basketball shoes, and comfortable clothing).
- Practice 30 minutes developing serving skills.
- Practice 30 minutes developing your forehand and backhand strokes.
- Explain to your leader or adult partner how spin affects the bounce of the ball.
- Accurately set up a table tennis table and net according to USA Table Tennis rules.
- Play five games of table tennis.
- Participate in a table tennis skills development clinic.
- Explain to your leader or adult partner how to score a table tennis game.
- Participate in a game of doubles table tennis (four people playing in one game, two people per side).
Cub Scout Academics and Sports Program Guide, 2003 Edition (BSA Supply SKU #637685)
The text of these requirements may be locked. In that case, they can only be edited by an administrator.
Source: meritbadge.org